- Universitas Negeri Padang
- Fakultas
- Fakultas Matematikan dan IPA
- Kode
- 84105
- Program Studi
- Pendidikan Biologi
- Jenjang
- S2
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No | Scholar | Publications | Citation |
451 | - |
Tetra Primer-Arms-Pcr Construction to Detect Snp Rs290487 Tcf7l2
S Syamsurizal
Vol: 2015
0 |
452 | - |
Ekstra Tapak Dara (Catharanthus Roseus L) dan terhadap Fertilitas Mencit (Mus Musculus L) Betina Galur Swiss Webster
S Syamsurizal
FMIPA UNP Padang Vol: 2000
0 |
453 | - |
The Improvement of Skill Competence’s Sudents with Implementation of Learning Community Strategy Through Jigsaw Learning Model on Human Digestive System Materials Class VIII in …
V Septiani, S Syamsurizal, R Darussyamsu
Bioeducation Journal 1 (2), 117-126 Vol: 2017
0 |
454 | - |
The Effect of Giving a Point System in the Model Make A Match Learning Against Participants Learning Competencies Education in Class VIII Junior High School 21 Padang
N Nurdiani, R Yogica, YL Rahmi, S Syamsurizal
Atrium Pendidikan Biologi 4 (2), 50-60 Vol: 2019
0 |
455 | - |
Implementation Constructivism Approach through Learning Cycle 5E Model to Student Learning Competence Class XI MIA SMA Negeri 12 Padang
RA Fikri, S Syamsurizal, R Fitri
Bioeducation Journal 2 (2), 208-217 Vol: 2018
0 |
456 | S4 |
The Extract of Tristania Sumatrana Miq. to Lower Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Follicles in Swiss Webster Mice
S Syamsurizal, A Muttaqiin
Bioscience 1 (2), 43-52 Vol: 2017
0 |
457 | - |
The Influence of the Cooperative Learning Model Talking StickType Charged Science Literacy on Students Learning Competencies in the Material of Human Digestive Systems in SMPÂ …
F Handayni, R Darussyamsu, GH Selaras, S Syamsurizal
Atrium Pendidikan Biologi 4 (1), 143-154 Vol: 2019
0 |
458 | - |
Jumlah Sulur Sebagai Penanda Diabetes Melitus Tipe-2 Etnis Minangkabau
S Syamsurizal
Biopecies: Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi 9 (2), 18-23 Vol: 2016
0 |
459 | - |
Tristania Sumatrana Effect On Female Mus Musculus Fertility
S Syamsurizal
MS&E 335 (1), 012014 Vol: 2018
0 |
460 | - |
The Effect of Cooperatif Learning Type Snowball Throwing Model Containing Science Literacy on Students’ Learning Competencies in Human Excretory System Material
C Wulandari, R Yogica, I Hartanto, S Syamsurizal
Atrium Pendidikan Biologi 4 (2), 103-111 Vol: 2019
0 |
461 | - |
The Effect of Learning Model Advance Organizer Toward Students’ Science Learning Achievement Class VII SMPN 22 Padang
A YUNITA, D Handayani, S Syamsurizal
Bioeducation Journal 2 (2), 218-226 Vol: 2018
0 |
462 | - |
The Improvement of Attitude Competence’s Students With Implementation of Learning Community Strategy Through Inquiry Learning Model On Structure and Fuctio...
I Novidsa, S Syamsurizal, R Darussyamsu
Bioeducation Journal 1 (2), 87-96 Vol: 2017
0 |
463 | - |
Arch As Genetic Marker Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus
S Syamsurizal
Vol: 2016
0 |
464 | - |
C Septimarmisa, Syamsurizal, Lufri
Vol: 2018
0 |
465 | - |
The Effect of Think Talk Write Learning Model Containing Science Literacy on Students Learning Competencies In SMA Kartika 1-5 Padang
A Maharani, S Syamsuizal, D Rahmawati, R Yogica
Atrium Pendidikan Biologi 4 (3), 63-72 Vol: 2019
0 |
466 | - |
Business Unit" Mooghurt" Academic Community Biology Department FMIPA Universitas Negeri Padang
S Syamsurizal, L Advinda, R Fevria, M Maizirwan
Pelita Eksakta 1 (02), 82-90 Vol: 2018
0 |
467 | - |
Usaha Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Mahasiswa TPB Biologi Umum melalui Strategi Pembelajaran Menggunakan Peta Konsep
S Syamsurizal, S Syahbuddin
FMIPA UNP Padang Vol: 2003
0 |
468 | - |
The Improvement of Skill Competence’s Sudents with Implementation of Learning Community Strategy Through Jigsaw Learning Model on Human Digestive System...
V Septiani, S Syamsurizal, R Darussyamsu
Bioeducation Journal 1 (2), 117-126 Vol: 2017
0 |
469 | - |
The Effect of Learning Model Two Stay Two Stray Containing Science Literacy on Learners Competencies at Junior High School 25 Padang
Y Safritry, M Chatri, R Yogica, S Syamsurizal
Atrium Pendidikan Biologi 4 (1), 211-220 Vol: 2019
0 |
470 | - |
The Effect of Problem Based Learning (PBL) Charged Science Literacy Toward Students’ Learning Competences at XI Grade of SMAN 1 Lubuk Alung
S Elmanazifa, S Syamsurizal
Atrium Pendidikan Biologi 3 (1), 51-60 Vol: 2018
0 |
471 | - |
Primers Designed For Amplifying TCF7L2 Gen
S Syamsurizal, H Saputra, DH Putri, E Badriyya
Jurnal Biota 6 (2), 63-70 Vol: 2020
0 |
472 | - |
Single-nucleotide polymorphisms in the promoter region influence the expression of the human follicle-stimulating hormone receptor
A Wunsch, Y Ahda, F Banaz-Yaşar, B Sonntag, E Nieschlag, M Simoni, ...
Fertility and sterility 84 (2), 446-453 Vol: 2005
108 |
473 | - |
Follicle‐stimulating hormone receptor gene haplotype distribution in normozoospermic and azoospermic men
Y Ahda, J Gromoll, A Wunsch, K Asatiani, M Zitzmann, E Nieschlag, ...
Journal of andrology 26 (4), 494-499 Vol: 2005
85 |
474 | - |
Pengaruh volume cairan rumen sapi terhadap bermacam feses dalam menghasilkan Biogas
L Wati, Y Ahda, D Handayani
Eksakta 1 Vol: 2014
10 |
475 | - |
Pengembangan Lembar Kerja Siswa Biologi Berorientasi Pendekatan Kontekstual pada Materi Pewarisan Sifat Untuk Kelas IX
R Fitri, R Sumarmin, Y Ahda
Penelitian Pendidikan 5 (1) Vol: 2014
9 |