- Universitas Negeri Padang
- Fakultas
- Fakultas Matematikan dan IPA
- Kode
- 47201
- Program Studi
- Kimia
- Jenjang
- S1
671Google Scholar155Scopus Document2Book1Intellectual Property Rights68Research0Community Service
No | Scholar | Publications | Citation |
151 | - |
Festiyed. 2017
LR Asrizal, A Amran, A Ananda
Effectiveness of Adaptive Contextual Learning Model of Integrated Science by … Vol: 2017
7 |
152 | - |
Konsep adil dan ihsan menurut aqidah, ibadah dan ahlak
A Amran
HIKMAH: Jurnal Ilmu Dakwah dan Komunikasi Islam 6 (2), 101-114 Vol: 2012
7 |
153 | - |
A, Ananda, A, Festiyed, F. 2019
A Asrizal, A Amran
Effects Of Science Student Worksheet Of Motion In Daily Life Theme In … Vol: 2019
6 |
154 | - |
Effects of science student worksheet of motion in daily life theme in adaptive contextual teaching model on academic achievement of students
A Amran, A Ananda
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1185 (1), 012093 Vol: 2019
7 |
155 | - |
Silica-supported spinel LiMn2O4 from microemulsion-derived multicomponent gels
B Ammundsen, GR Burns, A Amran, SE Friberg
Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology 2 (1-3), 341-346 Vol: 1994
5 |
156 | - |
The Effect of Titanium Tetrahedral Coordination of Silica-Titania Catalyst on the Physical Properties of Biodiesel
UK Nizar, J Hidayatul, R Sundari, B Bahrizal, A Amran, A Putra, LL Dj, ...
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 335 (1), 012036 Vol: 2018
5 |
157 | - |
A probability approach in cans identification
Y Resti, AS Mohruni, F Burlian, I Yani, A Amran
MATEC Web of Conferences 101, 03012 Vol: 2017
5 |
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Silicon NMR spectra from the reaction species between tetraethoxysilane and calcium nitrate hydrate
A Amran, SE Friberg, J Sjöblom
5 |
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Keluarga ideal menurut Islam dan upaya mewujudkannya
A Amran
HIKMAH: Jurnal Ilmu Dakwah dan Komunikasi Islam 7 (1), 117-135 Vol: 2013
5 |
160 | - |
Silica-supported spinel LiMn2O4 from microemulsion-derived multicomponent gels
B Ammundsen, GR Burns, A Amran, SE Friberg
Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology 2 (1-3), 341-346 Vol: 1994
5 |
161 | - |
A. 2017. Effectiveness of Integrated Science Learning Materials of Waves In Life by Integrating Digital Age Literacy on Grade VIII Students
A Asrizal, A Amran, A Ananda, F Festiyed, W Yana
Proceeding of The 1st UR International Conference on Educational Sciences … Vol: 2000
5 |
162 | - |
Panduan Kegiatan Penelitian IKIP Padang
A Amran
Padang: Lembaga Penelitian IKIP Padang Vol: 1997
5 |
163 | - |
Assessing urban water security and climate change adaptation in Makassar, Indonesia
G Tjandraatmadja, D Kirono, L Neumann, S Larson, S Stone-Jovicich, ...
Proceedings of the International Congress on Modelling and Simulation … Vol: 2013
4 |
164 | - |
Model Survival Nonparametrik Pada Data Rawat Inap Pasien Diare di Puskesmas Indralaya
A Amran, A Faruk
Jurnal Matematika 5 (2), 105-116 Vol: 2015
5 |
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Intrapulmonary Bronchogenic cyst: Single case report
SH How, HP Tee, AR Amran, ARM Fauzi
Journal of Health and Translational Medicine 11 (2), 86-88 Vol: 2008
4 |
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Pengaruh Garam-Garam Nitrat Terhadap Konsentrasi Miselisasi Kritis (CMC, Critical Micellization Concentration) Saponin
A Amran
Sainstek 11 (1), 69-73 Vol: 2008
3 |
167 | - |
The lamellar liquid crystal in the water, non-ionic surfactant and copper nitrate system
SE Friberg, A Amran, CC Yang, J Sjöblom
Colloids and surfaces 63 (3-4), 269-272 Vol: 1992
3 |
168 | - |
The microemulsion/gel method
SE Friberg, A Amran
Sol-Gel Processing and Applications, 17-25 Vol: 1994
3 |
169 | - |
Response Surface Methodology Approach on Effect of Cutting Parameter on Tool Wear during End Milling of High Thermal Conductivity Steel-150 (HTCS-150)
AB Hadzley, WMYWM Azahar, R Izamshah, KM Shahir, AM Amran, ...
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 114 (1), 012015 Vol: 2016
3 |
170 | - |
Relationship of Dust Level with Use of Self Protective Equipment on Acute Respiratory Infection Disorders in Furniture Workers in Solok District
DH Linda Handayani Ali Amran, Abdul Razak
International Jounal of Recent Technology and Engeneering (IJRTE) 8 (2019/5Â … Vol: 2019
4 |
171 | - |
A study of the formation of silica-supported mixed magnesium-manganese spinel oxides from multicomponent gels
B Ammundsen, GR Burns, A Amran, SE Friberg
Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology 4 (1), 23-29 Vol: 1995
3 |
172 | - |
Robust joint inversion of geoelectric, refraction and surface wave seismic data
M Kis, AA Amran, M Dobroka
57th EAGE Conference and Exhibition, cp-90-00321 Vol: 1995
2 |
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Implementasi Pemanfaatan Media Sosial dalam Meningkatkan Pendapatan di Lembaga Belajar SMART CLUB BANDUNG
R Putriyandari, A Amran, R Roisah, Y Komalasari, W Yuliyana
Jurnal Abdimas BSI: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 1 (1) Vol: 2018
2 |
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Stratifikasi sosial masyarakat dan pengaruhnya terhadap pembinaan masyarakat Islam
A Amran
HIKMAH: Jurnal Ilmu Dakwah dan Komunikasi Islam 8 (1), 15-29 Vol: 2014
2 |
175 | - |
Knife edges technique for focused beam profiling of the photothermal imaging system
A Amran, NK Saat
JPhCS 1027 (1), 012001 Vol: 2018
2 |