- Universitas Negeri Padang
- Fakultas
- Fakultas Matematikan dan IPA
- Kode
- 46201
- Program Studi
- Biologi
- Jenjang
- S1
774Google Scholar73Scopus Document3Book1Intellectual Property Rights34Research1Community Service
No | Scholar | Publications | Citation |
126 | - |
The Validity of Leaner Based Worksheet Based Discovery Learning On The Matter Of Biology For Grade 8 VII Student of Junior High School
Sari, W Novita, R Sumarmin
International Journal Of Progressive Sciences And Technologies 10 (1), 195-200 Vol: 2018
0 |
127 | - |
Anuran Species in Kayu Tanam Area
R Sumarmin, R Hidayat, R Putra, F Saldayu, S Hanifa, MI Fajri, ZAZ Putra
Vol: 2019
1 |
128 | - |
Influence of Combination of Quail Egg Yolk and Coconut Water on the Frozen Semen Quality of Simmental (Bos taurus L.)
R Sumarmin, R Siswanto, NK Huda, E Yuniarti
International Journal of Science and Research 12 (2017), 1393-1396 Vol: 2017
0 |
129 | - |
Influence Model Guided Inquiry Learning Styles And Competence of Class Xi Students Learning SMA State Lesson 3 Kerinci Year 2016/2017
V Anggriawan, A Razak, R Sumarmin
Vol: 2000
0 |
130 | - |
The Histological of Ewe Ovarium Post-Intrauterine Transplantation to Pseudopregnancy Rabbit
R Sumarmin, A Boediono, A Winarto, TL Yusuf
Animal Production 10 (2) Vol: 2008
0 |
131 | - |
Praktikalitas LKPD Eksperimen Biologi Berorientasi Keterampilan Proses Sains untuk Pesereta Didik SMA Kelas XI Semster 1
M Safitri, H Helendra, GH Selaras, R Sumarmin
Bioilmi: Jurnal Pendidikan 5 (2), 106-113 Vol: 2019
0 |
132 | - |
Influence of Guided Inquiry Based on Learning Styles for Student Student Outcome (Cognitive) Grade XI in Senior High School 3 Kerinci
V Anggriawan, A Razak, R Sumarmin
International Journal Progressive Science and Technology 2 (2018), pp. 355-361 Vol: 2018
0 |
133 | - |
Uji In Vitro Ekstrak Akar Tuba (Derris elliptica L.) Terhadap Viabilitas Tetas Telur Ikan Mas (Cyprinus carpio L.)
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Biologi 2 (1) Vol: 2016
0 |
134 | - |
Lesson Study Berbasis MGMP Tingkat SLTP Di Kota Padang
R Sumarmin
FMIPA UNP Vol: 2009
0 |
135 | - |
Developing Student Worksheet Based On Higher Order Thinking Skills on the Topic of Transistor Power Amplifier
LSR Kusuma, L Rakhmawati
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 336 (1), 012045 Vol: 2018
0 |
136 | - |
Need analysis of disseminate handbook based on guided inquiry in animal physiology subject
R Widiana, D Susanti, S Susanti, R Sumarmin
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1521, 042013 Vol: 2020
0 |
137 | - |
Influence of Problem Based Learning Model And Entry Behaviours on Student Biological Competency of Class X, Senior High School 4 Sungai Penuh
IK Degama, R Sumarmin
International Journal of Progressive Sciences and Technologies 13 (2), 245-251 Vol: 2019
1 |
138 | - |
Histological Analysis of Gills and Liver of Tambra Fish (Tor tambra) From Batang Gadis River in Mandailing Natal North Sumatera
Y Atifah, R Sumarmin, L Tussifah
International Conference on Biology, Sciences and Education (ICoBioSE 2019Â … Vol: 2020
0 |
139 | - |
The Influence of Quantum Learning Model on Psychomotor Competence of VII Grade Students in Learning Natural Science at Junior High School 3 Rambatan
RQ Fulta, R Sumarmin
International Journal of Progressive Sciences and Technologies 15 (2), 101-104 Vol: 2019
0 |
140 | - |
The Effect Of Somatic, Auditory, Visual, Intelectual and Learning Style Towards Students Knowledge Competency in Junior High School (SMPN 1) Koto Baru Dharmasraya District
A Victorina, R Sumarmin
International Conference on Biology, Sciences and Education (ICoBioSE 2019Â … Vol: 2020
0 |
141 | - |
Developing Web Based Modules of Animal Development Course
FH Afnas, R Sumarmin
International Conference on Biology, Sciences and Education (ICoBioSE 2019Â … Vol: 2020
0 |
142 | - |
Effect of Use of Handout that is Completed by Map Images of the Concept of Learning Competence Biology of Students in Class VIII, SMPN 31 Padang School Year 2013/2014
S Puspita, R Sumarmin, LY Sari
International Journal of Progressive Sciences and Technologies 17 (1), 37-42 Vol: 2019
0 |
143 | - |
Effect of Cooperative Learning Model Type of Group Investigation and Entry Behavior on Students’ Biology Cognitive Competence in Senior High School (SMAN 5) Padang
A Arini, L Lufri, R Sumarmin, S Syamsurizal
International Conference on Biology, Sciences and Education (ICoBioSE 2019Â … Vol: 2020
0 |
144 | - |
Teacher Understanding Towards Teachers’ Competency Standards in the Implementation of Science and Character Education of Junior High School Student in Pekanbaru
I Agmanda, R Sumarmin
International Conference on Biology, Sciences and Education (ICoBioSE 2019Â … Vol: 2020
0 |
145 | - |
Bioactivity of Torch Ginger Umbut Extract (Etlingera elatior) Against Heal Wounds of Mice (Mus musculus)
MZ Efendi, R Sumarmin, MS Fadil
Eksakta: Berkala Ilmiah Bidang MIPA (E-ISSN: 2549-7464) 21 (2), 124-130 Vol: 2020
0 |
146 | - |
Need Analysis Development of Biological Practicum Instructions Based in Guided Inquiry for Students in Class XI
R Elvandar, R Sumarmin
International Conference on Biology, Sciences and Education (ICoBioSE 2019Â … Vol: 2020
0 |
147 | - |
Influence of Guided Inquiry Learning Model and Entry Behavior to the Students Competency in Class X Senior High School (SMA) Laboratory of UNP
F Mawaddah, R Sumarmin
International Conference on Biology, Sciences and Education (ICoBioSE 2019Â … Vol: 2020
0 |
148 | - |
Natural Feed Preference Fejervarya cancrivora L. and Fejervarya limnocharis L on the West Coast of Sumatra Island
R Sumarmin
Eksakta: Berkala Ilmiah Bidang MIPA (E-ISSN: 2549-7464) 21 (2), 148-154 Vol: 2020
0 |
149 | - |
Need Analysis of Module in Material of Virus and Bacteria Based on Problem Based Learning Model for Students of Senior High School 1 V Koto Kampung Dalam Grade X
D Wardani, R Sumarmin
International Conference on Biology, Sciences and Education (ICoBioSE 2019Â … Vol: 2020
0 |
150 | - |
The Development of IPA Guiding Practicum with Constructivism Oriented For Junior High School Student at Class VII
R Sumarmin
International Journal of Progressive Sciences and Technologies 13 (1), 31-38 Vol: 2019
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