- Universitas Negeri Padang
- Fakultas
- Fakultas Matematikan dan IPA
- Kode
- 46201
- Program Studi
- Biologi
- Jenjang
- S1
774Google Scholar73Scopus Document3Book1Intellectual Property Rights34Research1Community Service
No | Scholar | Publications | Citation |
726 | - |
The influence of carbon sources on the production of siderophores from the fluorescent pseudomonad bacteria
I Pratama, L Advinda, M Fifendy
Bioscience 2 (2), 50-57 Vol: 2018
0 |
727 | - |
V Violita, H Hamim
EKSAKTA 2 Vol: 2010
0 |
728 | - |
Efisiensi Penggunaan Nitrogen (Nue) Dan Resorpsi Nitrogen Pada Hutan Taman Nasional Bukit Duabelas Dan Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit Di Kabupaten Sarolangu...
V Violita
Bioscience 1 (1), 8-17 Vol: 2017
0 |
729 | - |
Drought stress in wheat during flowering and grain-filling periods.
H Hamim, V Violita, T Triadiati, M Miftahudin, M Farooq, A Wahid, ...
Asian Journal of Plant Sciences 16 (2), 185-212 Vol: 2009
0 |
730 | - |
Photosynthetic Rate and Lipid Peroxidation of Cultivated (Glycine max L.) and wild Soybean (G. tomentella L.) Exposed to Drought Stress and Paraquat
H Hamim, V Violita, T Triadiati, M Miftahudin
Competitive Grant (Hibah Bersaing) [295] Vol: 2009
0 |
731 | S4 |
Leaf Anatomical Modification in Drought of Rice Varieties (Oryza sativa L.)
ADP Zagoto, V Violita
EKSAKTA: Berkala Ilmiah Bidang MIPA 20 (2), 42-52 Vol: 2019
0 |
732 | S4 |
Leaf Area and Stomata Index of Rice Plants (Oryza sativa L.) Cisokan and Batang Piaman Varieties to Drought Stress
P Widianti, V Violita, M Chatri
Bioscience 1 (2), 77-86 Vol: 2017
0 |
733 | - |
Hamim Hamim, Violita Violita, Triadiati Triadiati and Miftahudin Miftahudin
ISI Thomson
Asian Journal of Plant Sciences 16 (2), 65-77 Vol: 2017
0 |
734 | S4 |
The Response of Jabon Seeds Germination (Anthocephalus cadamba (Roxb.) Miq.) against the Duration of Combustion and Illumination
Vauzia, E Gusmira
EKSAKTA: Berkala Ilmiah Bidang MIPA 19 (2), 80-87 Vol: 2018
2 |
735 | - |
Pengaruh Penambahan Bokhasi Kubis (Brassica oleracea var. capitata) terhadap Pertumbuhan Bawang Putih (Allium sativum L) pada Tanah Podzolik Merah Kuning
WS Frona, A Zein, V Vauzia
Sainstek: Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi 8 (1), 10-19 Vol: 2017
0 |
736 | - |
Pengaruh Penggunaan Bahan Ajar dalam Bentuk Hypertext terhadap Hasil Belajar Biologi Siswa di SMA Negeri dan MAN Padang
V Vauzia, Y Hasan, D Des, A Anhar
FMIPA UNP Vol: 2005
0 |
737 | S4 |
Dimensions of Fiber and Jabon Wood Fiber Derivative Value (Anthocephalus cadamba [Roxb] Miq.) in Sialang Dharmasraya and Tabing Padang Regions
Adillah Syafitri, Des M., Vauzia
Bioscience 3 (1), 40-49 Vol: 2019
0 |
738 | - |
V Vauzia, M Des
JURNAL STAMINA 2 (8), 34-41 Vol: 2019
0 |
739 | - |
Bank biji dalam tanah hutan dataran rendah di Borang, Sumatra Selatan: laporan penelitian
Lembaga Penelitian, Universitas Sriwijaya Vol: 1998
0 |
740 | S4 |
Chlorophyll Content of Jabon Leaves (Anthocephalus cadamba [Roxb] Miq.) in the Sungai Nyalo, Pesisir Selatan and Lubuk Alung, Padang Pariaman
V Vauzia, R Fevria, YT Wijaya
Bioscience 3 (2), 155-160 Vol: 2019
0 |
741 | - |
Stomata Characteristics and Chlorophyll Content in Two Plant Species Regenerating with Sprout and Seeds After Burning at Peat Swamp Forest in Batang Alin-Indonesia
Vauzia, Syamsuardi, Chairul M. and Auzar Syarif
Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research 8 (1), 356-361 Vol: 2016
2 |
742 | - |
Diversity of Species and Chemicals Elements Contents of Liquide Rumen Bacteria as Fermentor Medicine Herbal with Medical Ecological Approach
Abdul Razak, Vauzia, dan Dwi Hilda Putri
International Journal of Progressive Sciences and Tecnologies 13 (2), 261-266 Vol: 2019
0 |
743 | - |
Struktur Populasi dan Potensi Anthocephalus cadamba Miq. Pasca Kebakaran Rawa Gambut di Batang Alin-Pasaman Barat
Prosiding Semirata 2017 Bidang MIPA BKS-PTN Wilayah Barat, 2751-2757 Vol: 2017
0 |
744 | S4 |
Quantity of Germination Seed Response to Combustion Duration and Light Treatments in Jabon (Anthocephalus cadamba (Roxb.) Miq.)
E Gusmira, V Vauzia
Bioscience 2 (2), 01-08 Vol: 2018
0 |
745 | S4 |
Etnofarmakologi Tumbuhan Familia Rhizophoraceae oleh Masyarakat di Indonesia
R Rizki
BioCONCETTA 3 (1), 51-60 Vol: 2018
8 |
746 | - |
Pengaruh Pupuk Organik Cair Terhadap Pertumbuhan Kedelai (Glycine max (L.) Merr) pada Tanah Podzolik Merah Kuning
A Zein, I Leilani
Sainstek 11 (1), 64-68 Vol: 2008
6 |
747 | - |
Syamsurizal. 2018
CP Sari, R Darussyamsu, ILE Putri
Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Predict Discuss Explain Observe Discuss Explain … Vol: 2000
5 |
748 | - |
Growth and tomato nutrition content with Bandotan (Ageratum Conyzoides L) bokashi applied
A Anhar, R Junialdi, A Zein, L Advinda, I Leilani
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 335 (1), 012017 Vol: 2018
3 |
749 | - |
Struktur Anatomi Propagul Rhizophora apiculata Blume Yang Terdapat Di Teluk Buo Kecamatan Bungus Teluk Kabung Kota Padang
I Leilani, L Meriko
e-Jurnal Mahasiswa Prodi Pend Biologi 2012 1 (1) Vol: 2012
1 |
750 | - |
Ethnobotani Study on Mangrove Forests in Padang City and Pariaman City
I Leilani, R Rizki, D Sari
Bioscience (Repository STKIP PGRI Sumbar) 1 (2), 87-91 Vol: 2017
1 |