- Universitas Negeri Padang
- Fakultas
- Fakultas Matematikan dan IPA
- Kode
- 45102
- Program Studi
- Fisika
- Jenjang
- S2
512Google Scholar260Scopus Document5Book5Intellectual Property Rights93Research6Community Service
No | Quartile | Publications | Citation |
201 | Q4 |
Estimation of Ideal Configuration and Dimension of Pico Hydropower using Euler-Lagrange Equation and Runge-Kutta Method
Aminuddin J.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 1494 2020-05-27 Conference Proceedin
0 |
202 | Q3 |
Numerical analysis of energy converter for wave energy power generation-pendulum system
Aminuddin J.
International Journal of Renewable Energy Development Volume: 9 2020-07-01 Journal
0 |
203 | Q4 |
SAR Sentinel-1: Mitigation strategies for earth's surface displacements in Aceh, Indonesia
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume: 500 2020-07-03 Conference Proceedin
2 |
204 | Q4 |
Application of interferometric SAR using Sentinel-1A for flood monitoring in South of Sulawesi, Indonesia
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume: 500 2020-07-03 Conference Proceedin
0 |
205 | Q4 |
The applications of InSAR technique for natural hazard detection in smart society
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 1572 2020-07-14 Conference Proceedin
2 |
206 | Q4 |
Application of time-series sentinel-1a for land deformation in Central Aceh, Indonesia
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume: 572 2020-10-07 Conference Proceedin
1 |
207 | Q4 |
3D modelling using structure from motion technique for land observation in Kelok 9 flyover
Razi P.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 1876 2021-05-10 Conference Proceedin
0 |
208 | Q2 |
Potential Landslide Detection in Kelok Sembilan Flyover Using SAR Interferometry
Razi P.
International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology Volume: 11 2021-01-01 Journal
0 |
209 | Q1 |
A regenerable screen-printed DNA biosensor based on acrylic microsphere-gold nanoparticle composite for genetically modified soybean determination
Ulianas A.
Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical Volume: 190 2014-01-01 Journal
52 |
210 | Q1 |
A biosensor for urea from succinimide-modified acrylic microspheres based on reflectance transduction
Ulianas A.
Sensors Volume: 11 2011-09-01 Journal
33 |
211 | Q1 |
An electrochemical DNA microbiosensor based on succinimide-modified acrylic microspheres
Ulianas A.
Sensors (Switzerland) Volume: 12 2012-05-01 Journal
29 |
212 | Q1 |
A novel electrochemical sensor for 17?-estradiol from molecularly imprinted polymeric microspheres and multi-walled carbon nanotubes grafted with gold nanoparticles
Futra D.
Analytical Methods Volume: 8 2016-02-14 Journal
26 |
213 | Q1 |
Single-step and reagentless analysis of genetically modified soybean DNA with an electrochemical DNA biosensor
Ulianas A.
Analytical Methods Volume: 6 2014-08-21 Journal
6 |
214 | Q2 |
Synthesis and optimization of acrylic-N-acryloxysuccinimide copolymer microspheres
Ulianas A.
International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology Volume: 8 2018-01-01 Journal
3 |
215 | Q3 |
Voltammetric determination of bisphenol a in the presence of uric acid using a zn/al-ldh-qm modified MWCNT paste electrode
Azis N.
International Journal of Electrochemical Science Volume: 14 2019-01-01 Journal
3 |
216 | Q3 |
Monosodium Glutamate Analysis in Meatballs Soup
Marlina D.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering Volume: 335 2018-04-25 Conference Proceedin
2 |
217 | Q4 |
Cyanide analysis based on complexing of CN - ion and spectrophotometry method
Zahra H.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 1116 2018-12-24 Conference Proceedin
0 |
218 | Q3 |
Zinc layered hydroxide-sodium dodecyl sulphate-isoprocarb modified multiwalled carbon nanotubes as sensor for electrochemical determination of dopamine in alkaline medium
Ahmad M.
International Journal of Electrochemical Science Volume: 14 2019-09-01 Journal
3 |
219 | Q1 |
Sandwich-type DNA micro-optode based on goldâlatex spheres label for reflectance dengue virus detection
Sensors (Switzerland) Volume: 20 2020-04-01 Journal
4 |
220 | Q4 |
Validity and practicality of chemical equilibrium module based on structured inquiry with three levels representation for students grade XI of senior high school
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 1481 2020-05-06 Conference Proceedin
2 |
221 | Q4 |
Optimization of complex NH3 with Cu2+ ions to determine levels of ammonia by UV-Vis spectrophotometer
Guspita D.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 1481 2020-05-06 Conference Proceedin
0 |
222 | Q4 |
Validity and practicality level of structured inquiry-based reaction rate module containing macro, submicro and symbolic representation
Murni H.P.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 1481 2020-05-06 Conference Proceedin
2 |
223 | Q4 |
Design and characterization of membrane molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP) as cholesterol absorbent
Niesa J.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 1481 2020-05-06 Conference Proceedin
2 |
224 | Q2 |
An ammonia optical sensor silca mirospheres doped with nickel(Ii) ion and reflectance transduction
Ulianas A.
Rasayan Journal of Chemistry Volume: 13 2020-04-01 Journal
0 |
225 | Q3 |
Synergistic effect of zinc/aluminium-layered double hydroxide-clopyralid carbon nanotubes paste electrode in the electrochemical response of dopamine, acetaminophen, and bisphenol A
Azis N.A.
International Journal of Electrochemical Science Volume: 15 2020-09-01 Journal
2 |