- Universitas Negeri Padang
- Fakultas
- Fakultas Matematikan dan IPA
- Kode
- 45102
- Program Studi
- Fisika
- Jenjang
- S2
512Google Scholar260Scopus Document5Book5Intellectual Property Rights93Research6Community Service
No | Quartile | Publications | Citation |
151 | Q4 |
Needs analysis in development of physics student books based on STEM approach for 11th grade senior high school
Pratiwi Y.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 1481 2020-05-06 Conference Proceedin
2 |
152 | Q4 |
The electrical properties of NiFe
Fadli A.H.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 1481 2020-05-06 Conference Proceedin
0 |
153 | Q4 |
Microwave absorption properties of Fe
Yulfriska N.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 1481 2020-05-06 Conference Proceedin
0 |
154 | Q4 |
Need analysis in development of student books based on STEM approach
Hizhar D.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 1481 2020-05-06 Conference Proceedin
1 |
155 | Q4 |
Microwave absorbent properties of Fe
Diana S.R.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 1481 2020-05-06 Conference Proceedin
0 |
156 | Q4 |
Measurements and analysis of crystal structures of activated carbon of empty fruit bunch from oil palm biomass waste
Ikhsan M.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 1528 2020-06-09 Conference Proceedin
0 |
157 | Q4 |
A simple colorimeter based on microcontrollers to detect food dyes
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 1528 2020-06-09 Conference Proceedin
0 |
158 | Q3 |
An Investigation of Seismicity for the West Sumatra Region Indonesia
Syafriani S.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering Volume: 335 2018-04-25 Conference Proceedin
5 |
159 | Q4 |
Correlation of seismotectonic parameter and seismic quiescence z-value in West Sumatra Indonesia
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 1040 2018-06-04 Conference Proceedin
3 |
160 | Q4 |
Effectiveness of integrated science textbook theme earthquake using connected model SSCS problem solving
Rustam N.I.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 1185 2019-05-01 Conference Proceedin
3 |
161 | Q4 |
Effectiveness of integrated science textbook on volcanic eruption theme with creative problem solving to improve students' preparedness
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 1185 2019-05-01 Conference Proceedin
2 |
162 | Q3 |
Analysis of Seismotektonic Patterns in Sumatra Region Based on the Focal Mechanism of Earthquake Period 1976-2016
Indah F.P.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering Volume: 335 2018-04-25 Conference Proceedin
1 |
163 | Q4 |
Analysis of students creative thinking ability in physics learning
Athifah D.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 1185 2019-05-01 Conference Proceedin
3 |
164 | Q4 |
Validity of physics module nuanced model of process oriented guided inquiry learning (POGIL) to improve scientific literacy at 10th grade senior high school
Devitri N.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 1185 2019-05-01 Conference Proceedin
1 |
165 | Q4 |
Needs analysis in developing student worksheets in senior high school physics-based inquiry learning models to improve students' critical thinking capabilities
Yuliska R.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 1185 2019-05-01 Conference Proceedin
0 |
166 | Q4 |
Needs Analysis in teacher book development Integrated Natural Science type connected character charged with the theme of the sense of hearing and the sonar system of living things
Dani I.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 1185 2019-05-01 Conference Proceedin
1 |
167 | Q4 |
Validity of development of student's worksheet based on problem-based learning model on parabolic motion materials assisted by digital display practicum
Fitri U.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 1185 2019-05-01 Conference Proceedin
1 |
168 | Q4 |
Preliminary analysis of learners in developing student book oriented research based learning models using 3D pageflip professionals on science lessons junior high school
Pratama D.J.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 1185 2019-05-01 Conference Proceedin
3 |
169 | Q4 |
Analysis of magnetic field anomalies before earthquakes based on ULF (Ultra Low Frequency) method using magnetic sensor data in Sumatra
Fika Ramadhani A.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 1317 2019-11-11 Conference Proceedin
0 |
170 | Q4 |
The seismotectonic of West Sumatra
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 1317 2019-11-11 Conference Proceedin
0 |
171 | Q4 |
Validity of integrated science teacher's book with the themes of blood fluid using integrated connected type learning in the 21st century
Helfira R.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 1481 2020-05-06 Conference Proceedin
1 |
172 | Q4 |
Local stress and seismic activity at West Sumatra
Syafriani S.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 1481 2020-05-06 Conference Proceedin
0 |
173 | Q4 |
Validity of development of Physics student's worksheet based on Inquiry Training Model to improve students creative thinking ability 10th grade Senior High School
Yuliska R.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 1481 2020-05-06 Conference Proceedin
0 |
174 | Q4 |
Seismic cycle before the main earthquake and the end of time after shocks in West Sumatra
Savitri F.A.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 1481 2020-05-06 Conference Proceedin
0 |
175 | Q4 |
Analysis development of guided inquiry based physics e-module to improve critical thinking ability of students high school
Putri S.R.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 1481 2020-05-06 Conference Proceedin
0 |