- Universitas Negeri Padang
- Fakultas
- Fakultas Matematikan dan IPA
- Kode
- 84202
- Program Studi
- Pendidikan Matematika
- Jenjang
- S1
226Google Scholar63Scopus Document3Book0Intellectual Property Rights11Research1Community Service
No | Quartile | Publications | Citation |
26 | Q3 |
Teacher Mathematical Literacy: Case Study of Junior High School Teachers in Pasaman
Ahmad D.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering Volume: 335 2018-04-25 Conference Proceedin
0 |
27 | Q4 |
Development of Organic Fertilizer in a Livestock Business as an Alternative of Cow Manure Management Strategy
Sumardianto N.
E3S Web of Conferences Volume: 73 2018-12-21 Conference Proceedin
0 |
28 | Q3 |
Mathematical modelling of paddy drying using fluidized bed dryer
Suherman S.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering Volume: 543 2019-01-01 Conference Proceedin
0 |
29 | Q3 |
Efforts to Improve Mathematics Teacher Competency Through Training Program on Design Olympiad Mathem
Arnellis A.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering Volume: 335 2018-04-25 Conference Proceedin
0 |
30 | Q4 |
Implementation of the 21st Century Skills to High Order Thinking Students Mathematical in Senior Hi
Asmar A.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 1554 2020-05-29 Conference Proceedin
0 |
31 | Q4 |
Factors Affecting Academic Achievement Students of Mathematics Department by Using Probit Regression
Amalita N.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 1554 2020-05-29 Conference Proceedin
0 |
32 | Q4 |
The Effect of Realistic Mathematics Education Approach Oriented Higher Order Thinking Skills to Achi
Arnellis A.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 1554 2020-05-29 Conference Proceedin
0 |
33 | Q4 |
Modified for the Pascal Triangle Multinomial
Rosha M.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 1387 2019-12-03 Conference Proceedin
0 |
34 | Q3 |
Students' Mathematical Problem-Solving Abilities Through the Application of Learning Models Problem Based Learning
Nasution M.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering Volume: 335 2018-04-25 Conference Proceedin
11 |
35 | Q3 |
Mathematical Model of Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Disease
Sriningsih R.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering Volume: 335 2018-04-25 Conference Proceedin
1 |
36 | Q4 |
Development of students' understanding of mathematical concept with STAD type cooperative learning through student worksheets
Nasution M.L.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 1554 2020-05-29 Conference Proceedin
1 |
37 | Q4 |
Professionalism of teacher in geogebra software
Subhan M.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 1554 2020-05-29 Conference Proceedin
0 |
38 | Q4 |
Error analysis of mathematics teacher in solving calculus problem
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 1317 2019-11-11 Conference Proceedin
0 |
39 | Q4 |
Error analysis of college students in calculus learning
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 1280 2019-11-22 Conference Proceedin
0 |
40 | Q4 |
Teachers perception of media tools in mathematics learning at senior high school
Mukhni M.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 1554 2020-05-29 Conference Proceedin
0 |
41 | Q4 |
Students characteristics, learning outcomes and needs of geometry media tools in junior high school
Mirna M.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 1554 2020-05-29 Conference Proceedin
0 |
42 | Q4 |
A Cognitive Analysis of Students' Mathematical Problem Solving Ability on Geometry
Rusyda N.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 895 2017-09-28 Conference Proceedin
12 |
43 | Q4 |
Increasing Student Mathematical Critical Thinking Ability Through the Development of Geometry Instructional Device Based on Van Hiele's Theory
Musdi E.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 1554 2020-05-29 Conference Proceedin
0 |
44 | Q4 |
Analysis of students' mathematical communication skill in calculus course
Rusyda N.A.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 1554 2020-05-29 Conference Proceedin
2 |
45 | Q4 |
Hand's on Activity to Increase Student's Understanding about Place Value at Elementary School
Dwina F.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 1554 2020-05-29 Conference Proceedin
0 |
46 | Q4 |
Development of learning instructions on mathematics learning based on M-APOS to improve problem-solving ability of grade VII students of middle school / MTs
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 1470 2020-03-20 Conference Proceedin
0 |
47 | Q4 |
Analysis of Students Mathematical Concept Understanding Ability in Operation Research Course
Manda T.G.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 1742 2021-01-27 Conference Proceedin
0 |
48 | Q4 |
The Role of Mathematics Anxiety and Mathematical Problem-Solving Skill
Rusyda N.A.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 1742 2021-01-27 Conference Proceedin
0 |
49 | Q4 |
Kinematics study on PLF technique by comparing professional and amateur Malaysian army parachutists
Aziz S.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 1366 2019-11-07 Conference Proceedin
0 |
50 | Q4 |
Validity of Mathematical Learning Material Based on Model Eliciting Activities (MEAS) Approach to Im
Aziz S.A.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 1554 2020-05-29 Conference Proceedin
0 |