- Universitas Negeri Padang
- Fakultas
- Fakultas Matematikan dan IPA
- Kode
- 84104
- Program Studi
- Pendidikan Kimia
- Jenjang
- S2
173Google Scholar45Scopus Document2Book0Intellectual Property Rights19Research0Community Service
No | Quartile | Publications | Citation |
26 | Q2 |
An ammonia optical sensor silca mirospheres doped with nickel(Ii) ion and reflectance transduction
Ulianas A.
Rasayan Journal of Chemistry Volume: 13 2020-04-01 Journal
0 |
27 | Q3 |
Synergistic effect of zinc/aluminium-layered double hydroxide-clopyralid carbon nanotubes paste electrode in the electrochemical response of dopamine, acetaminophen, and bisphenol A
Azis N.A.
International Journal of Electrochemical Science Volume: 15 2020-09-01 Journal
2 |
28 | Q4 |
Development of STEM Integrated PBL-Based Student Worksheets in Energetic Materials of First-Year Students
Dotimineli A.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 1788 2021-02-22 Conference Proceedin
0 |
29 | Q4 |
The development of guided inquiry based student worksheet of chemical equilibrium towards student activities
Kardena H.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 1788 2021-02-22 Conference Proceedin
0 |
30 | Q2 |
The fabrication of portland composite cement based on pozzolan napa soil
Mawardi M.
Materials Volume: 14 2021-07-01 Journal
0 |
31 | Q2 |
Absorption characteristics of napa soil as congo red dye adsorbent in solution with continuous system
Mawardi M.
Rasayan Journal of Chemistry Volume: 14 2021-10-01 Journal
0 |
32 | Q3 |
Development of Scientific Approach Based on Discovery Learning Module
Ellizar E.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering Volume: 335 2018-04-25 Conference Proceedin
16 |
33 | Q4 |
Preparation of Dye Sensitized Solar Cell (DSSC) using anthocyanin color dyes from jengkol shell (Pithecellobium lobatum Benth.) by the gallate acid copigmentation
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 1185 2019-05-01 Conference Proceedin
9 |
34 | Q3 |
Effect of Chemistry Triangle Oriented Learning Media on Cooperative, Individual and Conventional Method on Chemistry Learning Result
Latisma D.L.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering Volume: 335 2018-04-25 Conference Proceedin
4 |
35 | Q3 |
Development of Chemistry Triangle Oriented Module on Topic of Reaction Rate for Senior High School Level Grade XI Chemistry Learning.
Sari D.R.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering Volume: 335 2018-04-25 Conference Proceedin
2 |
36 | Q3 |
Solar Cell Polymer Based Active Ingredients PPV and PCBM
Hardeli H.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering Volume: 335 2018-04-25 Conference Proceedin
3 |
37 | Q4 |
Validity and practicality of redox reaction module based on discovery learning with scientific approach to increase the critical thinking ability of 10th grade high school students
Desriyanti R.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 1185 2019-05-01 Conference Proceedin
0 |
38 | Q4 |
Validity and practicality of buffer solution module based on discovery learning with a scientific approach to increase the critical thinking ability of 11th grade high school students
Lestari R.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 1185 2019-05-01 Conference Proceedin
0 |
39 | Q4 |
Validity and practicality of salt hydrolysis module based on discovery learning with scientific approach to increase the critical thinking ability of 11th grade high school students
Ilhami S.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 1185 2019-05-01 Conference Proceedin
0 |
40 | Q4 |
Developing a discovery learning module on chemical equilibrium to improve critical thinking skills of senior high school students
Ellizar E.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 1185 2019-05-01 Conference Proceedin
4 |
41 | Q4 |
Preparation of dye sensitized solar cell (DSSC) using isolated anthocyanin fromfruit sat (melastomamalabathricum l) dicopimented with salicylic acid as dye
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 1317 2019-11-11 Conference Proceedin
1 |
42 | Q4 |
Validity and practicality of electrolyte and non-electrolyte solution modules posit on guided inquiry with probing prompting technique for grade X in senior high school
Kamilah S.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 1788 2021-02-22 Conference Proceedin
0 |
43 | Q1 |
Ti-phenyl nanoparticles encapsulated in mesoporous silica as active and selective catalyst for the o
Aini S.
Catalysis Communications Volume: 46 2014-02-10 Journal
2 |
44 | Q3 |
Identification and Purification of Nyalo River Silica Sand as Raw Material for the Synthesis of Sodi
Aini S.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering Volume: 335 2018-04-25 Conference Proceedin
2 |
45 | Q4 |
Synthesis and characterization of ti-phenyl@SiO
Aini S.
Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences Volume: 16 2012-12-28 Journal
1 |