- Universitas Negeri Padang
- Fakultas
- Fakultas Ekonomi
- Kode
- 61101
- Program Studi
- Manajemen
- Jenjang
- S2
398Google Scholar41Scopus Document1Book0Intellectual Property Rights24Research0Community Service
No | Scholar | Publications | Citation |
151 | - |
Analisis Asosiasi Merek dan Pengaruhnya terhadap Kepuasan Mahasiswa Atas Kualitas Layanan Universitas Negeri Padang
Y Wardi
Jurnal Ekonomi Arthavidya 1, 49 Vol: 2007
0 |
152 | - |
The effect of job rotation, compensation and organizational citizenship behaviour on employees’ performance of PT Pegadaian (Persero)
M Musawir, Y Wardi, R Rasyid
2nd Padang International Conference on Education, Economics, Business and … Vol: 2019
0 |
153 | - |
Pengaruh es-qual terhadap loyalitas menggunakan aplikasi gojek pada masyarakat kota Padang
Y Wardi, Y Engriani, RS Putra
Jurnal Kajian Manajemen Bisnis 8 (2) Vol: 2019
0 |
154 | - |
Determinant of Entrepreneurial Orientation: An Empirical Investigation on SME
Y Wardi, D Saputra, HA Mesta
Vol: 2016
0 |
155 | - |
Pengaruh Bauran Pemasaran Terhadap Kepuasan dan Loyalitas Pelanggan PT. Effect of Marketing Mix on Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty PT. TIKI Cabang PadangTIKI Padang Branch
D Marlina, Y Wardi, D Patrisia
2nd Padang International Conference on Education, Economics, Business and … Vol: 2019
0 |
156 | - |
Perbedaan Metode Economic Order Quantity dengan Metode Konvensional dalam Perhitungan Persediaan Bahan Baku dan Pengaruhnya terhadap Rentabilitas Perusahaan di Kotamadya Padang
Y Wardi, S Amar
FPIPS IKIP Padang Vol: 1992
0 |
157 | - |
Diversification and corporate social performance in manufacturing companies
D Patrisia, S Dastgir
Eurasian Business Review 7 (1), 121-139 Vol: 2017
25 |
158 | - |
The impact of Halal tourism, customer engagement on satisfaction: moderating effect of religiosity
A Abror, Y Wardi, O Trinanda, D Patrisia
Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research 24 (7), 633-643 Vol: 2019
18 |
159 | - |
Service quality, religiosity, customer satisfaction, customer engagement and Islamic bank’s customer loyalty
A Abror, D Patrisia, Y Engriani, S Evanita, Y Yasri, S Dastgir
Journal of Islamic Marketing Vol: 2019
8 |
160 | - |
Diversifikasi dan nilai perusahaan dalam perspektif teori keagenan
Universitas Gadjah Mada Vol: 2007
3 |
161 | - |
Pengaruh Activity Ratio, Leverage dan Firm Growth Terhadap Financial Distress (Studi Empiris pada Perusahaan Manufaktur yang Terdaftar di BEI Periode 2013-2017)
NH Lubis, D Patrisia
Jurnal Kajian Manajemen dan Wirausaha 1 (1) Vol: 2019
2 |
162 | - |
Analisis Z-Score Sebagai Alat Prediksi Kebangkrutan & Penilaian Kinerja Keuangan Perusahaan
D Patrisia
Volume Vol: 2000
2 |
163 | - |
Pengaruh Profitabilitas (ROE), Rasio Pasar (PER), dan Inflasi terhadap Harga Saham Perusahaan Manufaktur
R Rasyid, D Patrisia, N Suarni
Jurnal Kajian Manajemen Bisnis 2 (1) Vol: 2013
1 |
164 | - |
The Effect of Employee Engagement and Job satisfaction on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB)
AS Affandi, D Patrisia, S Syahrizal, A Abror
2nd Padang International Conference on Education, Economics, Business and … Vol: 2019
1 |
165 | - |
Pengaruh Struktur Kepemilikan, Dewan Komisaris, dan Kebijakan Dividen terhadap Corporate Social Responsibility
P Suprijani, D Patrisia
Jurnal Kajian Manajemen dan Wirausaha 2 (2) Vol: 2020
0 |
166 | - |
The Influence of Leadership, Organizational Culture and Work Climate on Employee Performance in the Department of Public Works and Spatial Planning of Padang City
J Alberto, S Amar, D Patrisia
2nd Padang International Conference on Education, Economics, Business and … Vol: 2019
0 |
167 | - |
The Effect of Financial Literacy and Financial Management Behavior on Retirement Confidence
D Patrisia, M Fauziah
Third Padang International Conference On Economics Education, Economics … Vol: 2019
0 |
168 | - |
The Effect of the Locus of Control, Financial Knowledge and Income on Investment Decisions
R Rasyid, MR Linda, D Patrisia, H Fitra, Y Susanti
First Padang International Conference On Economics Education, Economics … Vol: 2018
0 |
169 | - |
PKM Pengembangan Nilai Tambah Hilirisasi Produk Pisang di Kecamatan Lubuk Basung Kabupaten Agam
MR Linda, D Patrisia, R Rasyid
Seminar Nasional hasil Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (SENDIMAS) Ke-4 Vol: 2018
0 |
170 | - |
Effect of Satisfaction, Switching Barrier, and Customer Value on Customers Loyalty of Credit Repeated in BRI Bank of Pangian Batusangkar Branch
N Sari, D Patrisia
4th Padang International Conference on Education, Economics, Business and … Vol: 2020
0 |
171 | - |
The Effect of Financial Characteristics, Misstatement and Audit Quality toward the Financial Performance in West Sumatera
B Dalimunthe, D Patrisia
Third Padang International Conference On Economics Education, Economics … Vol: 2019
0 |
172 | - |
Psychological Safety and Organisational Performance: A Systematic Literature Review
A Abror, D Patrisia
Vol: 2000
0 |
173 | - |
Effect of Marketing Mix on Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty PT. TIKI Padang Branch
D Marlina, Y Wardi, D Patrisia
2nd Padang International Conference on Education, Economics, Business and … Vol: 2019
0 |
174 | - |
The Influence of Transformational Leadership Organizational Culture on Employee Performance with Job Satisfaction as Mediating Variable in Ibnu Sina Hospital in West Sumatera
WN Adri, S Evanita, D Patrisia
Third Padang International Conference On Economics Education, Economics … Vol: 2019
0 |
175 | - |
Hubungan Pendidikan Orang Tua dengan Sikap Wirausaha Mahasiswa
S Doriza, W Jannah, L Yulastri, E Maulida, D Patrisia
Jurnal Kesejahteraan Keluarga dan Pendidikan 5 (2), 147-153 Vol: 2018
0 |