- Universitas Negeri Padang
- Fakultas
- Fakultas Matematikan dan IPA
- Kode
- 45102
- Program Studi
- Fisika
- Jenjang
- S2
512Google Scholar260Scopus Document5Book5Intellectual Property Rights93Research6Community Service
No | Quartile | Publications | Citation |
26 | Q4 |
Preliminary analysis learning media in the form of interactive multimedia based on edupark physics Carocok beach Painan Indonesia with the scientific method
Rahmadhani N.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 1481 2020-05-06 Conference Proceedin
2 |
27 | Q4 |
Identification of magnetic minerals in the peatlands cores from Lake Diatas West Sumatra, Indonesia
Sasmita A.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 1481 2020-05-06 Conference Proceedin
2 |
28 | Q4 |
Preliminary analysis learning media based on edupark science with scientific methods in the national geopark of Ranah Minang Silokek of Sijunjung
Ummah K.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 1481 2020-05-06 Conference Proceedin
2 |
29 | Q4 |
Preliminary analysis of Edupark Sarasah Kajai Waterfall, Indonesia as a learning resources of works and energy
Yunita R.A.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 1481 2020-05-06 Conference Proceedin
2 |
30 | Q4 |
Identification of magnetic mineral forming elements in peatland Alahan Panjang West Sumatra Indonesia, section DD REP B 693 using X-Ray Fluorescence
Ningsih E.D.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 1481 2020-05-06 Conference Proceedin
0 |
31 | Q4 |
Identification of magnetic minerals in peatland at the section of DD REP B 693 lake Diatas using XRD (X-ray Diffraction)
Afriyeni P.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 1481 2020-05-06 Conference Proceedin
1 |
32 | Q4 |
Magnetic susceptibility of pre- and post caldera lavas from Maninjau, West Sumatra
Fadila M.R.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 1481 2020-05-06 Conference Proceedin
1 |
33 | Q4 |
Preliminary analysis of learning resources for edupark physics in hydroponic cultivation of SMK N 2 Batusangkar, Indonesia
Sari A.P.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 1481 2020-05-06 Conference Proceedin
1 |
34 | Q4 |
Preliminary analysis learning media based on edupark physics with scientific methods on Padang beach
Elvisa G.O.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 1481 2020-05-06 Conference Proceedin
1 |
35 | Q4 |
Design and manufacture of teaching edupark physics Mifan water park Padang Panjang, Indonesia with discovery learning model
Sari D.P.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 1481 2020-05-06 Conference Proceedin
4 |
36 | Q4 |
Preliminary analysis of Bukik Chinangkiek edupark's potential as a learning resource for physics in senior high school at X Koto Singkarak Solok, Indonesia
Lestari N.V.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 1481 2020-05-06 Conference Proceedin
3 |
37 | Q4 |
Preliminary analysis of learning resources for edupark in the matter rigid equilibrium by destination Rumah Gadang Istana Rajo Balun South Solok Indonesia
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 1481 2020-05-06 Conference Proceedin
3 |
38 | Q4 |
Analyzing magnetic susceptibility and elemental composition of rocks and soil around Danau Diatas, West Sumatra, Indonesia
Fajri R.N.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 1481 2020-05-06 Conference Proceedin
1 |
39 | Q4 |
Design of edupark Physics book with Project Based Learning based on Ngarai Sianok National Geopark, Indonesia
Emafri W.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 1481 2020-05-06 Conference Proceedin
3 |
40 | Q4 |
The validity of the science edupark E-Book with a scientific approach based on Padang Beach tourism destinations
Elvisa G.O.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 1876 2021-05-10 Conference Proceedin
0 |
41 | Q4 |
Validity of science edupark e-book based on scientific approach on the national geopark of ranah minang silokek, Indonesia
Ummah K.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 1876 2021-05-10 Conference Proceedin
0 |
42 | Q4 |
Design of edupark bukik chinangkiek's physics e-book with a scientific approach
Lestari N.V.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 1876 2021-05-10 Conference Proceedin
0 |
43 | Q4 |
The validity of multimedia edupark physics learning with a scientific approach based on the beach destination of Painan Beach
Rahmadhani N.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 1876 2021-05-10 Conference Proceedin
0 |
44 | Q4 |
Validity of physics edupark e-book with scientific approach based on tourism destinations of Rumah Gadang
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 1876 2021-05-10 Conference Proceedin
0 |
45 | Q2 |
Development of circularly polarized array antenna for synthetic aperture radar sensor installed on UAV
Yohandri Y.
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C Volume: 19 2011-01-01 Journal
44 |
46 | Q3 |
The Implementation of Integrated Natural Science Textbook of Junior High School be Charged on Character-based Shared Models to Improve the Competence of Learners' Knowledge
Rahmiwati S.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering Volume: 335 2018-04-25 Conference Proceedin
17 |
47 | Q3 |
Side-lobe reduced, circularly polarized patch array antenna for synthetic aperture radar imaging
Baharuddin M.
IEICE Transactions on Electronics Volume: E99C 2016-10-01 Journal
10 |
48 | Q4 |
Development of speed measurement system for pencak silat kick based on sensor technology
Ihsan N.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering Volume: 180 2017-03-22 Conference Proceedin
11 |
49 | - |
Circularly polarized array antennas for synthetic aperture radar
Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium Volume: 2011-12-01 Conference Proceedin
10 |
50 | Q2 |
A new triple proximity-fed circularly polarized microstrip antenna
AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications Volume: 66 2012-05-01 Journal
9 |