- Universitas Negeri Padang
- Fakultas
- Fakultas Matematikan dan IPA
- Kode
- 45102
- Program Studi
- Fisika
- Jenjang
- S2
512Google Scholar260Scopus Document5Book5Intellectual Property Rights93Research6Community Service
No | Scholar | Publications | Citation |
201 | - |
Development of sensors based on giant magnetoresistance material
M Djamal, Ramli
Procedia Engineering 32, 60-68 Vol: 2012
31 |
202 | S4 |
Analisis Struktur Nano Dari Lapisan Tipis Cobalt Ferrite Yang Dipreparasi Dengan Metode Sputtering
R Ramli, R Jonuarti, A Hartono
Eksakta Berkala Ilmiah Bidang MIPA 18 (1), 46-53 Vol: 2017
25 |
203 | - |
Glucose sensing using capacitive biosensor based on polyvinylidene fluoride thin film
A Hartono, E Sanjaya, R Ramli
Biosensors 8 (1), 12 Vol: 2018
16 |
204 | - |
Biosensor based on giant magnetoresistance material
M Djamal, Yulkifli
Emerging Communication Technologies for E-Health and Medicine, 107-122 Vol: 2012
11 |
205 | - |
Effect of Cu Layer Thickness on Giant Magnetoresistance Properties of NiCoFe/Cu/NiCoFe Sandwich
M Djamal, Ramli, Yulkifli, Khairurrijal
ICCAS-SICE 2009, Fukuoka, August 18-21, 2009, 365-368 Vol: 2009
8 |
206 | - |
Biosensors for Clinical Diagnostics
M Djamal, FH Ramli, GMR Khairurrijal
Biosensors for Health, Environment and Biosecurity, Ed. PA Serra,, 149 Vol: 2011
7 |
207 | - |
Optical properties of Fe3O4 thin films prepared from the iron sand by spin coating method
N Yulfriska, D Rianto, F Murti, Y Darvina, R Ramli
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1-8 Vol: 2018
7 |
208 | - |
Analysis of crystal structure of Fe3O4 thin films based on iron sand growth by spin coating method
D Rianto, N Yulfriska, F Murti, H Hidayati, R Ramli
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 335 (1), 012012 Vol: 2018
6 |
209 | - |
H Delvita, D Djamas, R Ramli
PILLAR OF PHYSICS 6, 17-24 Vol: 2015
6 |
210 | - |
Electric field poling 2G V/m to improve piezoelectricity of PVDF thin film
A Hartono, Darwin, Ramli, S Satira, M Djamal, Herman
7 |
211 | - |
Development of giant magnetoresistance material based on cobalt ferrite
M Djamal, R Ramli, F Haryanto
Acta Physica Polonica A 128 (2-B), 19-22 Vol: 2015
6 |
212 | - |
A Novel Ternary CoFe2O4/CuO/CoFe2O4 as a Giant Magnetoresistance Sensor
R Ramli, A Hartono, E Sanjaya, A Aminudin, K Khairurrijal, F Haryanto, ...
Journal of Mathematical and Fundamental Sciences 48 (3), 230-240 Vol: 2016
6 |
213 | - |
Thin Film of Giant Magnetoresistance (GMR) Material Prepared by Sputtering Method
M Djamal
Advanced Materials Research 770, 1-9 Vol: 2013
4 |
214 | - |
Effect of Ferromagnetic Layer Thickness on the Giant Magnetoresistance Properties of NiCoFe/Cu/NiCoFe Sandwich
Ramli, M Djamal, Khairurrijal
3rd Asian Physics Symposium (APS)2009, Bandung, July, 22-23, 2009, 65-67 Vol: 2009
5 |
215 | - |
A Magnetic Distance Sensor with High Sensitivity Based on Double Secondary Coil of Fluxgate
W Indrasari, M Djamal, W Srigutomo, R Ramli
IOSR Journal of Applied Physics 2 (5), 29-35 Vol: 2012
4 |
216 | - |
Giant Magnetoresistance Sensors Based on Ferrite Material and Its Applications
M Djamal, R Ramli
Magnetic Sensors: Development Trends and Applications; Asfour, A., Ed, 111-132 Vol: 2017
4 |
217 | - |
Effect Of Milling Time on Particle Size of Forsterite (Mg2SiO4) from South Solok District
Sarimai, Ratnawulan, Ramli, A Fauzi
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 335 (1), 012004 Vol: 2018
4 |
218 | - |
Role of students worksheet in STEM approach to achieve competence of physics learning
YS Sari, M Selisne, R Ramli
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1185 (1), 012096 Vol: 2019
4 |
219 | - |
Microstructure of magnetite-polyvinylidene fluoride (Fe3O4/PVDF) nanocomposite prepared by spin coating method
N Yulfriska, Y Darvina, Y Yulkifli, R Ramli
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1185 (1), 012025 Vol: 2019
4 |
220 | - |
Effect of mechanical treatment and fabrication temperature on piezoelectric properties of PVDF film
A Hartono, S Satira, M Djamal, Ramli, E Sanjaya
AIP Conference Proceedings 1656 (1), 030018 Vol: 2015
3 |
221 | - |
Development of a Low Cost Vibration Sensor based on Flat Coil Element
M Djamal, R Ramli, S Satira, S Suprijadi
International Journal of Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences … Vol: 2011
3 |
222 | - |
Preparation of PVDF film using deep coating method for biosensor transducer applied
A Hartono, Ramli, M Djamal, S Satira
Instrumentation, Communications, Information Technology, and Biomedical … Vol: 2013
3 |
223 | - |
The Implementation of Physics Problem Solving Strategy Combined with Concept Map in General Physics Course
H Hidayati, R Ramli
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 335, 012077 Vol: 2018
4 |
224 | - |
Giant Magnetoresistance in (Ni60Co30Fe10/Cu) Trilayer Growth by Opposed Target Magnetron Sputtering
Ramli, M Djamal, F Haryanto, S Viridi, Khairurrijal
Advanced Materials Research 535, 1319-1322 Vol: 2012
3 |
225 | - |
Analisis Kondisi Awal Pembelajaran Fisika SMAN Kota Padang (Dalam Rangka Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Fisika Multimedia Interaktif Berbantuan Game)
D Djamas, R Ramli, SY Sari, R Anshari
EKSAKTA 1, 52-59 Vol: 2016
3 |