- Universitas Negeri Padang
- Fakultas
- Fakultas Matematikan dan IPA
- Kode
- 45102
- Program Studi
- Fisika
- Jenjang
- S2
512Google Scholar260Scopus Document5Book5Intellectual Property Rights93Research6Community Service
No | Scholar | Publications | Citation |
476 | - |
Development of Guided Inquiry Based Work Sheet with Class and Laboratory Activity on Chemical Bonding Topic in Senior High School
* Zammilunia, Allizar Ulianasb, Mawardi Mawardi
International Journal of Chemistry Education Research 22 (2 August 2018), 1-8 Vol: 2018
4 |
477 | - |
Optimization of complex NH3 with Cu2+ ions to determine levels of ammonia by UV-Vis spectrophotometer
D Guspita, A Ulianas
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1481 (1), 012040 Vol: 2020
0 |
478 | - |
The Influences of the CLIS Model Used in Students Learning Outcomes on Electrolyte and Nonelectrolyte Solutions at SMAN 1 Padang
A Aulia, A Ulianas
Edukimia 2 (3), 117-121 Vol: 2020
0 |
479 | - |
Synergistic Effect of Zinc/aluminium-layered Double Hydroxide-clopyralid Carbon Nanotubes Paste Electrode in the Electrochemical Response of Dopamine, Acetaminophen, and …
N Abd Azis, IM Isa, N Hashim, MS Ahmad, S Nur, AM Yazid, MI Saidin, ...
Int. J. Electrochem. Sci 15, 9088-9107 Vol: 2020
0 |
480 | - |
Tubular bacterial cellulose gel with oriented fibrils on the curved surface
A Putra, A Kakugo, H Furukawa, JP Gong, Y Osada
Polymer 49 (7), 1885-1891 Vol: 2008
119 |
481 | - |
Ligament-like tough double-network hydrogel based on bacterial cellulose
Y Hagiwara, A Putra, A Kakugo, H Furukawa, JP Gong
Cellulose 17 (1), 93-101 Vol: 2010
78 |
482 | - |
Antifouling activity of synthetic polymer gels against cyprids of the barnacle (Balanus amphitrite) in vitro
T Murosaki, T Noguchi, A Kakugo, A Putra, T Kurokawa, H Furukawa, ...
Biofouling 25 (4), 313-320 Vol: 2009
45 |
483 | - |
Production of bacterial cellulose with well oriented fibril on PDMS substrate
A Putra, A Kakugo, H Furukawa, JP Gong, Y Osada, T Uemura, ...
Polymer journal 40 (2), 137 Vol: 2008
38 |
484 | - |
In-situ observation of dynamic water behavior in polymer electrolyte fuel cell by combined method of small-angle neutron scattering and neutron radiography
A Putra, H Iwase, D Yamaguchi, S Koizumi, Y Maekawa, M Matsubayashi, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 247 (1), 012044 Vol: 2010
9 |
485 | - |
Principles of Optics Principles of Optics, 1959
A Putra, A Kakugo, H Furukawa, JP GONG, Y OSADA, T UEMURA, ...
Polymer journal 40 (2), 137-142 Vol: 2008
5 |
486 | - |
The Effect of Titanium Tetrahedral Coordination of Silica-Titania Catalyst on the Physical Properties of Biodiesel
UK Nizar, J Hidayatul, R Sundari, B Bahrizal, A Amran, A Putra, LL Dj, ...
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 335 (1), 012036 Vol: 2018
5 |
487 | - |
Novel oriented bacterial cellulose gels on oxygen-permeable substrates
A Putra, H Furukawa, A Kakugo, JP Gong
4 |
488 | - |
Orientated bacterial cellulose culture controlled by liquid substrate of silicone oil with different viscosity and thickness
A Putra, A Kakugo, H Furukawa, JP Gong
Polymer journal 41 (9), 764 Vol: 2009
4 |
489 | - |
Nanoscale structures of radiation-grafted polymer electrolyte membranes investigated via a small-angle neutron scattering technique
S Sawada, D Yamaguchi, A Putra, S Koizumi, Y Maekawa
Polymer journal 45 (8), 797 Vol: 2013
3 |
490 | - |
Design and Characterization of Nanoarchitectures from Multifunctional Polyparaphenylenes
R Ravindranath, S Valiyaveettil, C Baskar, A Putra, F Fitrilawati, W Knoll
MRS Online Proceedings Library Archive 776 Vol: 2003
2 |
491 | - |
The Correlation of Biodiesel Physical Properties and Titanium Tetrahedral Coordination in Silica-Titania Prepared by Different Moles Ratio of Titania Precursors
UK Nizar, YM Sitanggang, R Sari, R Sundari, A Putra, DJ Latisma
Proceedings of ICoChEA (International Conference On Chemistry And … Vol: 2017
2 |
492 | - |
Synthesis of Novel Double Network Hydrogels via Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization
X Ni, A Putra, H Furukawa, JP Gong
Composite Interfaces 16 (4-6), 433-446 Vol: 2009
2 |
493 | - |
Polarization analysis equipment in SANS-J-II: Study of polymer electrolyte membrane for fuel cell
Y Noda, D Yamaguchi, A Putra, S Koizumi, Y Sakaguchi, T Oku, J Suzuki
Physics Procedia 42, 46-51 Vol: 2013
1 |
494 | - |
Solubility dynamic of methyl yellow and carbon black in microemulsions and lamellar liquid crystal of water, non ionic surfactants and cyclohexane system
A Amran, R Harfianto, WY Dewi, D Beri, A Putra
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering Vol: 2016
1 |
495 | - |
Bacterial Cellulose-BasedBiodegradable Plasticfrom Pineapple (Ananassativus) Skin Waste: The Effectof Sorbitol On The QualityOf The Biodegradableplastic
A Putra
Journal of Chemical Natural Resources 1 (1), 50-63 Vol: 2019
0 |
496 | - |
The Joints and Synovial Fluid The Joints and Synovial Fluid Chapter 10, 1978
A Putra, A Kakugo, H Furukawa, JP GONG
Polymer journal 41 (9), 764-770 Vol: 2009
0 |
497 | - |
A Putra, A Kakugo, H Furukawa, JP GONG, Y OSADA, T UEMURA, ...
Polymer journal 40 (2), 137-142 Vol: 2008
0 |
498 | - |
Characterization of Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells by Neutron Scattering During Operation in a Segmented Electrode Cell
S. Ueda, M. Eguchi, Y. Kobayashi, Y. Tsutsumi, A. Putra, D. Yamaguchi, S ...
Kobunshi Robunshu 70 (No. 3), 94-101 Vol: 2013
0 |
499 | - |
A Putra, A Kakugo, H Furukawa, JP Gong, K Yasuda
Vol: 2000
0 |
500 | - |
A Combined Method of Small-angle Neutron Scattering and Neutron Radiography to Visualize Water in an Operating Fuel Cell over a Wide Length Scale from Nano to Millimeters
S Koizumi, H Iwase, A Putra, D Yamaguchi
The Journal of Fuel Cell Technology 9 (No.3), 129 - 136 Vol: 2010
0 |